List of dsc parameters


This page lists the parameters which can be uses in a DSC script.

When appropriate these parameters can be used with the following instructions in the ROUTE section:



ASK(Month,'dropdown=yes') NEWPAGE('javascript=module_note.js,jscript=note()') MESSAGE("TEST VERSION ONLY",'class=test') WARNING("Please check",'class=warning')

Parameters can also be specified as part of the QUESTION definition


Month "Which month:" : {Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec} : 'dropdown=yes'

anchor: fix an item position


This prevents the item from being reordered during shuffling.

Example: C4 "Which of the following financial apps do you use?" : { 1 "Banking app", 2 "Insurance app", 3 "Payment company", 4 "Financial services application", 98 "Other, precise:@NS$" @[anchor='yes'] + OTH : TEXT[128] REQUIRED : 'size=20', 99 "None" @[xchoice='yes',anchor='yes'] }{*} REQUIRED @[qnotes="Several answers possible"]

Note: You don’t need “anchor” with an extended list - that’s excluded from the shuffle and always placed at the end.

audio: insert an audio file

MESSAGE ('@AUDIO:myclip:controls=1:autoplay=yes:download=no$')

click here for notes on adding audio files.

checkbox: use a checkbox (QUESTION parameter)


Selection to be made by clicking a check box instead of a radio button.

cnotes: also display the cnotes choice attribute text when asking a question


If not set then only main labels of the choices are displayed.

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css: identify the css file for the page


Uses the file calendar.css for the page.

disabled: prevent selection or modification


Shades over a response and prevents the answer from being modified.

dropdown: dropdown list (QUESTION parameter)


Display response choices as a dropdown list.

dropdownmsg: dropdown list message (QUESTION parameter)

dropdownmsg="Select a city"

Until an answer is selected, the drop-down list displays "Select a city".



Suppress cell highlighting in the error message.

javascript: call a javascript file


Where calendar.js is the name of the script for the page.

jquery: call a jquery script


to call the file ui.js on the page

jscript: call a javascript function


call the script of the function fctq40() on the page

maxlength: maximum number of characters (QUESTION parameter)


Set the maximum number of characters to 2.

nav: navigation section


Use the file nav_spe.blk and not the default of nav.blk.

rank: record the order in which response categories selected (QUESTION parameter)


If used in dimensioned questions, disallows the same answer on different items

readonly: display contents of a question

ASK(SHOW_TEXT, 'readonly=yes')

INTEGER/OPEN/TEXT type questions only.

The label and content of the variable will be displayed.

Unlike 'disabled=yes' (see above), this makes it possible to display the variable without having an error message if the content is too long.

Does not work on 'lists of choices' questions which are displayed normally.

size: size of the field on the screen (QUESTION parameter)


Size of the text field will be 150 but it will be possible to enter more text.

splitlabels: separate the label text from the radio button or checkbox

ASK(q1,'splitlabels=left') ASK(q2,'splitlabels=right')

template: call a blk file


to use the file calendar.blk for the page.

top: header


the header will be taken from top2.blk rather than the default top.blk

transpose: transpose a question


video: play a video file

MESSAGE ('@VIDEO:myvideo:width=100%:controls=1:autoplay=no:download=no:muted=true:fullscreen=0:poster=gide.png$')

click here for notes on adding video files.

xchoice: make a choice exclusive

This ensures that the respondent can choose only this answer, even in a question with multiple answer choices.

99 "None of these products" @[xchoice='yes']

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